Introduction to European Market Coupling Algorithms

Introduction to European Market Coupling Algorithms


2 hour online interactive session, planned for Q1 2025


269 euros, excl. taxes​

Are you  looking for an overview of the Market Coupling Algorithms for Single Day-ahead Coupling and Single Intraday Coupling? Trying to make the first steps towards deciphering EUHPEMIA and XBID? Then this online training is for you. 

Training contents

  • Governance​ of the Market Coupling Algorithms 
  • Day-ahead Market Coupling algorithm 
  • Intraday Market Coupling algorithm  
  • Future requirements 

Your trainers

Reinhard Kaisinger is a renowned expert in European Market Integration. He has 10+ years of experience in the energy sector and knows all EU rules and regulations concerning the energy market, including its technical details. He was closely involved in several major market integration milestones, including implementing flow-based capacity calculation. 

For whom

  • Intermediate level 
  • This training is valuable if you already have an understanding of how European electricity markets operate, and would like to get an introduction to the functioning of the market coupling algorithms for the day-ahead and intraday timeframes  

What you will hear about 

  • The similarities and differences between the algorithms for single day-ahead coupling (SDAC) and single intraday coupling (SIDC)  
  • The basic functioning of EUPHEMIA and XBID 
  • Upcoming performance improvements and future requirements for the market coupling algorithms